Wednesday 23 November 2011


If you feel confident to post in response to this question now, do so. If not, wait until we have read a little more of the book. Of course, if you're yet to post in response to my initial blog, which you can see below, post there first please. Anyway...

Authors often use contrast to help provoke thought, within the reader, about the themes they are presenting. Choose one, or both, of the following to post about.

1. What thought about money do you think Winton is trying to provoke through the contrasting settings of Lockie's house and the Streeton's.

2. What thoughts do you think Winton is trying to provoke through the contrasting characters Lockie and Vicki?

Remember this forum is meant to be conversational. Respond to others with comments, questions and thoughts.

Monday 21 November 2011

Lockie Leonard - Love, Teenage Relationships and Growing Up

Prior to reading Lockie Leonard, we identified these as three potential themes. I think it has become very clear that they are big ideas, or themes, that the novel, or text, will explore. What, so far, is Tim Winton trying to say about growing up, teenage relationships and love?

Remember, everyone's interpretation will be different (although there may be similarities). As long as you supply evidence, in the form of textual examples and quotes, then explain your interpretation, your opinion can be respected.

So, tell us, what do you think he's trying to say? Hopefully your comment will spark response from others and others will spark a thought that you want to post about. This is intended to be a conversation that helps us to understand what the text is saying to each of us.

Oh, and this is my first time doing a blog, so if I've made mistakes, or improvements can be made, let me know.

Mr Barrett